Artigo “Performing Computation Ofloading on Multiple Platforms” aceito no journal “Computer Communications”

O artigo “Performing Computation Ofloading on Multiple Platforms” foi aceito no journal “Computer Communications”, da Elsevier, de
fator de impacto 2.099.
Os autores são professores do Departamento de Computação, UFC Virtual (professor Emanuel Coutinho) e UFC Quixadá.

O artigo está disponível em:
Mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets are increasingly important tools in daily routine. These devices generally interact
with more powerful machines usually hosted on public clouds. In this context, this paper presents MpOS (Multiplatform Offloading
System), a framework that supports a method-based offloading technique for applications of different mobile platforms (Android and
Windows Phone). In addition, details of MpOS main components and services as well as code examples are presented. To evaluate the
proposed solution and to analyse the impact of different serialization types on the offloading performance, we developed two
applications and performed several experiments on both Android and Windows Phone platforms using WiFi and 4G/LTE connections to
access the remote execution environments. Our results state that offloading to a cloudlet has provided the best performance for both
Android and Windows Phone platforms, beyond showing that the type of serialization used by the framework directly impacts on the
offloading performance.
Keywords: mobile cloud computing, ofloading, cyber foraging, multiple platforms.